Adding disclaimer signature under an outgoing mail using the amavisd that comes with the zimbra installation.
The first thing we need to do is edit the /opt/zimbra/conf/
@disclaimer_options_bysender_maps = (
{ '.' => 'global-default' },
and add your custom disclaimer to your domain
@disclaimer_options_bysender_maps = (
{ '' => 'example' },
{ '.' => 'global-default' },
then go to /opt/zimbra/data/altermime. You should see 2 files global-default.txt and global-default.html. These are the existing global signatures. For this example we add example.txt and example.html
After saving your signatures restart the amavis service
su - zimbra
zmamavisdctl restart
And you are good to go.
You need to enable Mandatory Singanture sin Zimbra for this to work:
ReplyDeletesu - zimbra
zmprov mcf zimbraDomainMandatoryMailSignatureEnabled TRUE
zmamavisdctl restart